Posted in Cultracy

2.6 Winter ~ Aller voir


To try and cheer himself up Vin decides to do his very favorite activity which is, of course, visit his Grandkids.

Vin: Graham sure makes good looking babies with my daughter!

But Its hard to tell with leaves on her head.

I refuse to believe Claudia would allow this.


That’s Better.

Remember: Even if I don’t like the hair that hair and bald are the only two I will interfere with.

Little Marsha is a big girl now anyway and happy to have Nonno over to play.


And while he is doing that we will update room for her.

Screenshot-13Much better. I don’t put as much effort into the spare kids’ rooms and I feel a bit bad about that…but there are still some perks to being in the heir’s home. I just want the kids to have a place to sleep.


As is the tradition we give her her big girl gift in the form of a teddy bear.

Screenshot-14Marsha gets the genie bear. Because reasons.


Vin is always telling the little one’s about their Nonna and how much she loved them. It’s important to him to keep the memory alive.

Screenshot-18When it gets late he tucks Marsha into her new bed with a story.


Vin: “Good night sweetie.”

Screenshot-24Why is it always night when we go on these trips with Vin? And why do entire days pass with nothing to show for it?

Who knows. Let’s just go with it.


Vin: I’m so happy to have so many grandkids to keep me busy.

Screenshot-28That’s right! Darla is a big girl now too!

And um……I’ll just go ahead and…


Screenshot-30Hehe. Excitable kids are so cute.

Darla: “I can’t believe Nono is here!”

Screenshot-31Teddy bear gift while I fix the room.

Screenshot-26Screenshot-27Screenshot-32Then right to bed because it’s already late.

13 thoughts on “2.6 Winter ~ Aller voir

  1. Phew – I was worried Vinny would die in this update. I’ll miss the kittens, but your plan makes sense – good luck getting all those furry friends! So fun to see an update – and I promise I’ll play my Sims sometime again soon.

    1. You are so quick heather!
      Yeah getting rid of the kitties is so sad but since I have to worry about them dying and stuff I don’t have the luxury of just hoping I meet enough in town. 😦

  2. The cat friend one is an LTW I’m glad I’ve never rolled. Good idea on moving on the kittens out once they’ve grown so you can breed the friends in. You could also CAS create a few cat families and add them to existing households in the hood, and that would give a bit more variety, plus they could breed on their own.
    It’s good to see the Cultric’s back again.

    1. Thanks Pink! It’s good to be back.

      Yes, the cat herder thing is one I have not done before and don’t see myself doing again. I mean…I guess it’s nice to try something different and I love a challenge but this one seems to be more a pain in the butt sometimes.

      I haven’t made any families for the town but it may come down to that. I was really hoping my cat park would work better. But what can you do.

  3. Glad to see you’re back! 🙂

    The kitties are so cute. ❤ it's too bad that your cat park didn't work as well as you had hoped but what can you do? it'll be sad to see the cats go to new homes though 😦

    Loved Betta's party dress! Gorgeous and perfectly expensive looking 😉

    I feel so bad for poor Vinny :/ he looks so lost without Karla. 😦

    1. Glad to be back plum!

      I love the kitties, giving them up is so hard. I think it will just keep getting harder too as I have to do it again and again.
      Betta sure loves her expensive clothes.
      And I know…I feel so sad for Vin all the time. He breaks my heart.

  4. I love Jacques’ mask too, so pretty. And I really like how you decorated the house, very elegant and very Betta.

    I have heard about the aging being different in non-active houses, that’s what people use mods (Awesomemod and StoryProgression fix it), but I understand that you don’t want to use them.

    Here’s hoping Betta’s grief over her mother and the cats will allow Jacques to give her something else…;)

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